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Friday, February 12, 2010

Home Invasion in Belize March 2009

I was robbed Friday, March 9, 2009, night starting about 10:30 until 12:15. A robber with a 16 gauge shotgun cut my porch screen and entered through the French doors into my bedroom.
At about 10:15 I heard what I thought were horses munching on the bananas and I turned on all the outside lights, I looked out of all the windows, but saw no horses and the dogs weren't barking at a horse like they usually do. I think now that what I heard was the scrunching of the screen being cut.
My computer was on the front porch and since I was up (again) I played a little solitaire, then latched the inside bolts on the French doors. I know now that I was lax about that. My back was hurting and rather than stretching high up to the top and jamming the bolts in, I most likely did it halfway. I didn’t seat them in the “saddle” and the barrel dropped down. On the bottom bolts I must not have seated them tight into the holes in the floor. I obviously don’t know what I did or did not do, but the doors between the screened front porch and house were breached without breaking any glass.

I returned to bed and read a bit more and thought I could go to sleep and turned out the only inside light by my bed. No dogs were barking. Usually the neighbor's dogs patrol my house and all the neighbor's dogs bark at everything that moves from about 8 - 12 every night. I remember thinking how nice it was that the dogs weren't barking tonight.

I wasn't fully asleep but did not hear anything except what sounded like the dog under the house or the cats bumping around. He was so quiet that I didn't know anything until he punched me with the gun barrel and said wake up.
“Wake up, shut the fuck up” Shut the Fuck up” over and over, punching me. I cried out, but it was frozen in my throat. “Oh, oh, what? What?
“Shut the fuck up” Shut the Fuck up – said with a thick Spanish accent. “No lights, no lights, shut the fuck up. Get up. I want $10,000 dollars. I want $10,000 dollars.
“Come here, I want the money. You give me money.”
I can’t see, I said. “Let me get my glasses”.

He was a dark Hispanic; about 5'6" to 5'8", slim build, not skinny, not big and muscular; he understood English, he spoke English and Spanish; he was probably 18 -25 years old; he spoke in a low "tough guy" voice; he wore dark pants or dark blue jeans; a navy blue (I think short sleeve) tee shirt with fancy white script arched on the chest (I couldn't tell what it said - incomplete view); navy blue bandanna mask with the common paisley print; the top of his head was smooth and dark, I’m pretty sure it was a warm cap.

I brushed the gun barrel away from me several times and at one point stuck my thumb in the end of it. I wanted to feel if it was a real gun or piece of pipe. It surprised him, threw him off stride, but didn’t provoke him. I decided it was real because it was blue-black, a shotgun because I could put my thumb in it, and the metal was as thick as a gun. I also think I saw the stock which was to me dark green. I was very afraid of being beaten with the barrel.
I’m 62 years old with a damaged back and right knee. Back in the day I could have moved more, been harder to handle. But now I am no match for a hopped up young guy. He could have swung the barrel at my head and I would have fallen over and not been able to scramble away.

It is a long story because he had me controlled with the gun barrel for about 1 1/2 hours. He allowed no lights so that I could see him. I also could not see what was in my wallet or jewelry drawers and so he pushed me to the bathroom where there was a night light.
I would take a handful of stuff from a drawer; he’d poke me in the back to the bathroom night light. If it was some kind of gold looking trinket he’d take it. If it was silver or ivory he’d scream it was “Chit”, and throw it in the toilet or shower.

I tried to see him in my peripheral vision, but I wear thick glasses and cannot really see anything beyond the center of the lenses. Any time I came close to turning toward him, he batted me with the gun and controlled my head movements.

He asked me for duct tape. I was terrified with that because then he could start beating and raping me. With his hands or hand holding the shotgun, he was awkward. Also two of my friends were duct-taped before they were murdered. I acted like I couldn’t find the duct tape. I said I think its outside, maybe it is in the truck.
He said, “Take down your pants.” I said I think I have a bracelet here. “Get on the bed!” I said, “I think there is a ring in this drawer”.
I talked like I was very old and befuddled. I walked slow and bent over. I asked him to repeat things. I said I couldn’t see. I did it enough to slow him down, wear him down, but there was a subtle line that I couldn’t cross. I didn’t want to provoke him.
I knew he was stupid. He wanted my bank card and the pin number. I gave it to him and he wanted the pin number. I said it’s a name, it’s DONNA. I said I can’t remember numbers, but you punch in the letters DONNA. He didn’t know that the numbers on the keypad also had letters. I managed to stall and slow down the bastard for minutes and minutes showing him how to match the letters to the numbers. I even said “I need my cellphone back to show you.” And he handed it back! But I couldn’t be tricky and dial 911 with it because I only have reception on my front porch, not back in the house.
The police said later, “You should have called us”. I said, “The phone won’t reach inside the house”.

Finally there came a moment when I was inside the bathroom at the sink under the light, and for some God-given moment he was out of the door frame. I actually heard my highest self say – It’s now or never. I knew that was my best chance and with one motion slammed the door in his face and turned the lock. He rammed the door with the gun, but by then I was moving furniture to block the door. I moved a heavy 5 shelf wooden storage unit in front of the door and piled everything in the bathroom against it. I even took down the adjustable curtain rod and expanded it against the walls. I crouched beside the door in case he thought he could shoot the door open.

I stayed in the bathroom while he ransacked the house. I could hear him inside the house and I could hear him through the bathroom window when he exited. He tried keys on a hook in the house to fit the truck, but ended up just breaking the ignition switch.

How I got help: I suspected he had left when I heard the truck door dinging, the back doors scraping, and then I heard dragging and scraping. I wondered what he had found that was so big he was dragging it. Later I saw my shopping cart with wheels was missing. It is a black cloth shopping bag on wheels with cloth handles. That is what I heard dragging.

I waited a good long time (anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes) without any sounds and unblocked the door and peeked out, prepared to slam it again. I was sure he was gone and went out and started screaming everybody's name. I screamed thief, man with a gun, police, help me, ayudame, screaming and calling everyone's name. I yelled fire. At first I tried the truck and discovered it was disabled. I'm too lame to try and run dirt roads in the dark, but then I knew the truck horn would still work and used it over and over.
The neighbors came, they called the police, the police came. It was a huge commotion.
There are several reasons I think he was local, that I was targeted, and that I was not a random house of opportunity.

It was things he said that clued me that he knew ABOUT me, but did not really know me. He was expecting that I had $10,000 in cash, that I had lots of gold jewelry. He was fully expecting that I was rich and had lots of things to sell. He asked specifically for $10,000.
When I first moved here, I brought about $10k USD cash to give the house builder. It was the easiest way to transfer the money. I told my daughter-in-law that I had the money, not thinking that she would tell her family and the story quickly spread around the village. I had disposed of the money within a week, but the story stayed. I was naïve to all of this at the time. Four years had passed, but it stuck in small minds that I was a rich gringa.
He asked me if I knew a Jeff in the village. He said he had come to my house for a job. He knew the house well enough that where he entered was a dark corner. The dogs didn't bark. He wanted the gold jewelry (which I had in the past, but had sent to my daughter at Christmas). He said, “When are you going back to your country. He asked, “Where is your husband? I said he was coming back in a few minutes. He laughed as though he knew I had no husband.

He took a Dell laptop, but not the cords. I had unplugged all the cords and offered just the unit to him; he took my bank card, cell phone, passport, the cash I had which was about $10. When he was alone to ransack the house he took out food from the fridge and opened a can of salsa, which he dumped around.

He smelled like alcohol and weed. He was jacked up, but not crazy jacked up.
I have been told by several people who I trust that I was robbed by Mark O., aka “Taxi”. Taxi plays futbol in our village most Sundays. He lives directly across the river from the village and canoes over. The San Antonio police ran him out of their village. This has all been told to the Town Police.

I’ve been told by Taxi’s employers, John and Mary, that they sincerely do not think Taxi is the robber. They don’t think he would do something like that. I have been told by a friend that Jeff E. knows who did it. I know it wasn’t Jeff E., I would have recognized him. I do believe Jeff knows who did it. I believe there are quite a few who know who did it.

Update: February 13, 2010. Not one damn thing has been done by the police.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Case being monitored by Embassy

The information is now in the hands of the US Embassy for staff member David Jones to monitor.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

Reports on Muder case of Peter Phillips

I've decided to use my blog as a means of posting updates on the murder case of Peter Phillips. No one reads this thing unless I notify you, so until somebody objects, I'm going to use this venue. I am going to redact some names and addresses.

It is a lot of long corresponds and report - not particularly what people use their email for these days. This way you or anyone interested in helping to further some justice here can jump in anytime.

I have to use an internet cafe in town and between all the devices I use to compose and collect information it gets pretty messy. I guess you can consider this a "data dump" and I beg your pardon if it is not all presented in a PowerPoint presentation.

I will now cut and paste what has been going on since November 21, 2008. My follow up activity and involvement started with an email received from Mary Ann, Peter's sister in the States:

Hi, Dana -- you live in Belize. Can you explain any of this?? Is it possible that Joe doesn't want to testify against his ex-son in law? Is there too much at risk for him?? Should I get in contact again with the Embassy? They promised to follow up, and have done absolutely nothing. Any thoughts are greatly appreciated.

Thank you,
Mary Ann

-----Original Message-----
From: Charles Williams
To: sister; Joseph Yeager
Sent: Fri, 21 Nov 2008 3:17 pm
Subject: Emmanuel

Hi, Mary Ann and Joe

I am writing to both of you because I want you to be aware of the phone call I received this week from Peter Phillips' mother (and Mary Anns's, of course). She wanted to know the status of Peter's murder trial and if Emmanuel had been released. I had not heard anything in a long time, so after contacting Joe Yeager, Maureen (his wife) replied that the case against Emmanuel had been dismissed because the Belizean witness recanted or refused to testify, and the other witness (Joe Yeager) was out of the country...Since there were no witnesses for the prosecutor to call, there was no case against Emmanuel and the case was dismissed...

It is my understanding that for this case to be reopened, Peter's family or the Yeager family will have to take the initiative and be willing to see that someone is present at the trial...

I feel that I am in the middle of this and do not have any information to contribute, so I wanted to put you, Peter's family and the Yeager family in direct contact and let you work out a plan of action that you believe to be best.

If you two families do contact each other (and hope you will), please be aware that both of your families have suffered extreme pain during this situation.

Joe and Maureen, here is the email address for Mary Ann, Peter's sister:
Mary Ann, here is the email address for Joe and Maureen Yeager: Joseph Yeager

xxxpersonal stuffXXX
We will keep both you your families in prayer as God continues His healing process...


Re: Fwd: Roger Emmanuel
dana lain
dana lain
ViewThursday, November 27, 2008 5:10:12 PM
Dear Mary Ann,
I am apalled at this information. I called a US magistrate I know - a local who looks after US citizens in trouble and he outlined a plan of action for me to follow. First is to contact the DPP in Belize City for the actual deposition of the case. I will paste this letter in this email. Next he said that armed with the facts, verification, case number, etc. then I can go to the US Embassy. I have the letters you forwarded from the Embassy at that time and can "take names and kick ass" if I have to.

I never thought I was the designated monitor on this case. I have lousy cell reception, no email, lousy truck with no registration, no money for gas or phone cards. I tell you all of this because I was the least likely to be "on top" of anything. But I tell you this - I read all the papers, watch the local TV, and listen to the radio news. There is plenty of crime reporting and follow up on murder cases. I fully expected that there would be notification through any of these venues. Nothing!

Therefore I will be emailing this letter to the DPP next:


To: Ms. Cheryl Branker-Taitt

Re: Roger Emmanuel charged with the murder of Peter Phillips

November 27, 2008

Dear DPP,
I have been told that the murder case of Peter Phillips was dismissed. I was told that witnesses against the defendant Roger Emmanuel of Teakettle were not present and therefore the case was dismissed.

The murder of Peter Phillips took place in Teakettle on or about July 15 2007.

His family in the U.S. is understandably upset and has asked me to inquire about the facts of the trial. I missed the public notification that the trial was to be held and therefore I appeal to you to send me facts of the trial.

Is there a transcript that can be emailed or picked up at your office?

First of all we want to know if it is true that the case against Roger Emmanuel has been dismissed and he has been “set free”.

Is it true that the case was dismissed because one witness refused or recanted; and the other witness for the prosecution, Joe Yeager, was out of the country?

If the case was not dismissed (perhaps this was misunderstood information), then when and where will the next step in the process be held?

We, Peter’s friends and family, want to know the accurate information. I was told that I should begin with your office.

Your speedy reply will be acknowledged and appreciated.

Dana Lain
Cristo Rey, Cayo
621 2941

Dana -- I am truly sorry to burden you with this, but you're the only local we know who we can rely on, even though your communication system is unreliable! Joe Yeager, despite being copied on the message from Charles Williams, has not been in contact with us. Charles Williams (who lives in the U.S.) made it clear that he doesn't want to get involved. Further, my sister has sent several messages to the Embassy (we did not have the DPP's name), with no response. After Kim Valdes-Depena left the Embassy last February, we never heard from anyone again. Even were I to travel to Belmopan or Teakettle, I don't know where I'd start. And to be perfectly honest with you, Dana, I do not want to go to Belize to try and fix this problem. My mother has point blank told us she wants none of us in the country again.

In any event, if you get me information, I hope to be able to use our U.S. Representative Mark Kirk to facilitate the process in tandem with the Embassy. Rep. Kirk is a member of the military and offered us his assistance right after Pete died. If I have more information, and our Rep. gets involved, I think it would provide more impetus for the Embassy.

As you may know, it's Thanksgiving here in the states. Although we have never met, I am SO, SO, SO thankful for your help, Dana. I don't know what I'd do (or we'd do) without you. Many blessings.

No answer from DPP yet
dana lain

ViewTuesday, December 2, 2008 3:58:25 PM

I understand completely what you wrote in the previous email - that you need someone who is here to pursue this.

I am waiting for a reply from the Deputy Prosecutor. One email address was returned - the other, legalassistant.. seems to have gone through, but no reply. I re-sent the letter and requested that the email be acknowledged immediately so that I would know their office was the correct destination.

Thelma xxx, another close friend of Peter's, said she would drive us to Belize City if I could help with the gas. I could also begin to make phone calls to different offices with the offer of phone card money.

So yes, it would make a difference if you sent some money to further this along. You can send a check to my daughter in Houston who sends money to me.

or you can use PayPal. I have an account with them. You go to the PayPal website, click send money, fill in the blanks. You need my email address which is the I access the money from my paypal account.

You can also use Western Union. JUST LET ME KNOW BY EMAIL WHAT METHOD, otherwise I'll never know something was waiting for me.

I look forward to sending you some news of progress.

Re: name of lawyer

Saturday, December 13, 2008 6:02:29 PM
Hi, Dana: Accomplishing anything is GREAT! Process of elimination is definitely a process. :-) I am waiting to contact our Representative, Mark Kirk, until I hear more from you.

The name of the attorney I hired was Nicolas V. Dujon, of the Balmopan lawfirm, Dujon & Dujon. I found his name on the Embassy's website; he was allegedly on the Belizean Ethics Commission, or some such thing. I was very disappointed by his lack of assistance. If anything, my experience with Mr. Dujon showed me exactly what you stated: there is a myriad of reasons why seemingly straight-forward information isn't quickly obtained. That's an understatement.

Thanks for keeping track of the money, but it's unnecessary. I'm sure you're using it wisely.

Take care and many blessings, Dana.

Mary Ann

-----Original Message-----
From: dana lain
To: xxxxxx
Sent: Sat, 13 Dec 2008 1:57 pm
Subject: name of lawyer

I've accomplished a little bit. Mainly eliminated email as a way of communicating to officials.

What is the name of the lawyer you hired?

I've made up an accounting sheet and can keep you apprised. At this point all I've spent is 20bz for phone and 5bz for email. I'll note major blocks of time I've spent and charge 20bz to the expense account.

I'm not going to get all formal about this, but I do want to keep you regularly informed and what the money was used for. I don't think you are concerned about the money, but I'd feel better about using your money if I have a record.

Wish I could be more powerful about this. It is just a myriad of reasons why seemly straight-forward information isn't quickly obtained.

Please email information
[Chat now] Director of Public Prosecution
[Chat now] Director of Public Prosecution
ViewMonday, December 22, 2008 9:28:25 AM
Good Morning,

Ms. Lain we spoke on the phone briefly this morning. I passed the information you were inquiring about to the Director last week. Can you please email me the information, so that I can ask one of the crown counsel to check the status of the case.
Ms. Vernon
Progress report
from Dana to Mary Ann
Saturday, January 3, 2009 1:17:01 PM

I'm not happy, pleased or satisfied about any of this news, but there is still hope. I'm sending you the bullet points of my conversation with the Deputy Public Prosecutor. At least I have concrete facts and contact information.

This is not over. It will be resolved.

Conversation with Cheryl Branker-Taitt, Deputy Public Prosecutor
Dec. 30, 2008


Was brought before a magistrate for an evidentiary hearing (– when?)

Roger Emmanuel has been released. He is not out on bail.

Not true that witnesses recanted

Case was not dismissed

Continuance granted for re- investigation

Police asked to re-investigate and re-submit the file

Only circumstantial evidence

Not sufficient evidence from police

Evidence purely circumstantial- need to prove beyond a reasonable doubt

Four items of evidence:

Witness can put him at the scene (neighbor who saw him at the fence)

It is known there was a quarrel with Joe Yeager

A sweater of wife

Garbage bag of wife and baby clothes found under his bed

I asked her where was weapon, where were clothes Emmanuel was wearing, what about confession to his father and his father bringing him into police?

She paused and said there was nothing about any of that in police report. Did I have information about that?

I told her that it was only what I had heard-amounted to rumor, just as rumor of dismissal and witnesses were repeated to me.

Know Emmanuel was at house but cannot account/prove a timeline

Lead investigator was Officer Martinez. He was transferred to CIB in Belize City

DPP sent files back to Officer in Charge – Guzman- in Belmopan. He would be the one to have re-assigned the case to another detective.

Notification of pending action on a case to witnesses and families are by a phone call from the police.

Current contact numbers for DPP office are:

Office – receptionist’s name is Ms. Vernon 501 223-2956

Cell number for Ms. Cheryl Branker-Taitt is 501 610 1128

Email address for DPP office is

The phone numbers and emails listed on Government website are not current

I was even-tempered with Ms. Taitt and the conversation was not confrontational. I told her I would contact Guzman and then go to the Embassy. Ms. Taitt is not the enemy. The police are just stupid.

I tracked down Dujon&Dujon the best I could. No service for number in my old phone book. Information did not have a listing for them.

Re: Progress report
[from MaryAnn to Dana
Saturday, January 3, 2009 2:30:12 PM

Dana -- Hope you had a very peaceful holiday and New Year. Thanks so much for this update.

You're right: it's not good news, but it's news, and we're eternally grateful for your work. One point that seems to be conspicuously missing: didn't Roger CONFESS to killing my brother? Several old news reports state he was brought to the police department by his father and there was enough evidence putting him at the scene I thought at one point there was a confession, but maybe that's mistaken. Seeing these news reports again has made me really sad.

Anyway, do you have any suggestions about what information can I give my Representative, Mark Kirk, regarding this case, so he can put pressure on the embassy? Is there a new case number, now that it's been reassigned? Let me know what I can do on this end to get things moving again.

Also, here's Dujon & Dujon info from my old emails:

Nicolas V. Dujon, Esq.
Dujon & Dujon
4 Eve Street
Belize City, Belize

Thanks again, Dana. I don't know what we'd do without you. Be safe.

I'v e cc:d ny sister, Melissa, and my brother, John on this reply. They may ask you a few more follow-up questions, if that's okay.

Take care,
Mary Ann

ViewThursday, November 27, 2008 5:43:55 PM;

Dana -- I am truly sorry to burden you with this, but you're the only local we know who we can rely on, even though your communication system is unreliable! Joe Yeager, despite being copied on the message from Charles Williams, has not been in contact with us. Charles Williams (who lives in the U.S.) made it clear that he doesn't want to get involved. Further, my sister has sent several messages to the Embassy (we did not have the DPP's name), with no response. After Kim Valdes-Depena left the Embassy last February, we never heard from anyone again. Even were I to travel to Belmopan or Teakettle, I don't know where I'd start. And to be perfectly honest with you, Dana, I do not want to go to Belize to try and fix this problem. My mother has point blank told us she wants none of us in the country again.

In any event, if you get me information, I hope to be able to use our U.S. Representative Mark Kirk to facilitate the process in tandem with the Embassy. Rep. Kirk is a member of the military and offered us his assistance right after Pete died. If I have more information, and our Rep. gets involved, I think it would provide more impetus for the Embassy.

As you may know, it's Thanksgiving here in the states. Although we have never met, I am SO, SO, SO thankful for your help, Dana. I don't know what I'd do (or we'd do) without you. Many blessings.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Completely Alive

Do you really want to read what has transpired between Thanksgiving and my birthday? I think not!

However, I am completely alive, enjoying every day, and in constant awe of where I live. Here are some recent photos. They were taken at Sittee River and show our meeting group down there.

Tell me I don't look healthy and happy at 61. It's all this fresh air, exercise, sobriety and friendshop. I'm just in love with everything right now. Come join me.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Healing with Comfrey

I had a miraculous healing. Starting in early summer I started getting bites and rashes on both of my shins and ankles. It seemed to be two separate things, big ugly insect bites and a poison ivy like rash.

I didn’t feel the bites and I never saw what was biting me. Everybody who saw the ugly progression was horrified and I received plenty of advice about what to do about it.

I used all of the hydrocortisone and antibiotic crème that I had on hand and then spent money on more. I used the Rosita bite crème which had worked so well before. Nothing was making a difference.

Some of the bites were flesh eating. They made craters with a hard volcanic rim. Some were as big as my thumb. Both the bites and the rash itched beyond any discipline I might have had and I’d find myself scratching madly, making it all the worse.

The affected areas were as big as both hands. If you took your hands and placed them at your ankles, then that was how big the area was. It looked like something out of a medical text. I was getting freaked out by last weekend and intended to go to La Loma Luz on Monday.

That was scotched when I found out I had over drafted my account and was in the hole, much less having any extra money to go to the hospital. I knew what the doc was going to say, but I thought maybe a prescription strength hydrocortisone and antibiotic would knock it out and it was out of control.

Simultaneously Ann got a message to use Comfrey on Gene’s blood poisoning. She knew she had brought a gallon jar of Comfrey, but hadn’t seen it and thought it had disappeared into the great void of lost things. The next day she was inspired to clean a storage shelf and came upon a jar of herbs that had molded. She cleared that out and lo and behold there was the Comfrey.

She still had the dregs of bronchitis and Gene still had puffiness from the cellulites, so she brewed up a tea. They had immediate results and Gene was showing me how cleared up his ankle was. Ann and I both snapped that we ought to try it on my legs.

While we soaked my left leg with a poultice Gene told me the story of his infant step-daughter many years ago. The baby developed stuffiness and obstructed breathing at about six months. They went through two years of antibiotics, inhalation treatment, rounds of examinations, but she was failing. They sought out an herbalist and the woman assessed her and said the only message she was getting was Comfrey. Comfrey is very ordinary and is thought of more in relation to sprains, bruises, and healing broken bones, but they bought 50 cents worth and took it home.

Neither of them really knew exactly what to do with it, but the woman had said to make a tea of it, so while Gene was unpacking some boxes his wife brewed up a small bottle worth and gave it to the toddler. They both worked on unpacking and the little girl swigged on the bottle while sitting in her walker. She began to make noises and they saw gobs of what looked like gray play-doh working out of her nose.

His wife began to pull what amounted to a baseball of thick mucus out of the child! They were horrified at the amount and consistency but that was what was happening and that was that. The incident was over; she cleared up, and had no more problems. Fifty cents of Comfrey healed what two years and $10,000 of other treatments didn’t touch.

I woke up Monday morning and checked my legs and My God, it was unbelievable. The angriness was down, the damaged areas were more distinct, there was obvious drying up. The area looked better than it had in weeks. Tuesday, I drove over to show Ann and they were impressed. She needed to go to Belmopan and I went with her.

We stopped by Reimer’s Health Foods in Spanish Lookout and they had Comfrey. I borrowed $10 from Ann and immediately started dosing the legs with poultices.

After five days and about as many treatments, the wounds are practically healing before my eyes. I was getting frightened that this had been going on for six months, it was getting worse, and not only were the nerves and ligaments damaged and I was hobbling around, but the skin was diseased. What was going on!!

I am so hopeful. I’ve been concentrating on getting the skin healed and drunk only a few cups, but starting today I’m going to treat my knee and other joints. I think this is the end of all these miseries.

Some quick references:

Friday, October 26, 2007

Draft of Macaw Bank Ghost Stories

This is a draft, but rather timely - I'll work on it again soon:

Al told me a couple of times about hearing children playing at night. They would wake him up. Musical sounding, indistinct, but it sounded like children playing in the cleared area near the house. He could distinguish the sound of a ball being batted about.

He would tell Ron the next morning, but since Ron hadn’t heard it, he had little to comment on. Then Ron would jump into the storytelling and say that “Then one night it woke me up!”

Neither of them could attribute it to night animals. (Did either of them get up and go investigate?) They hadn’t grown up with the sounds of the bush, but they had studied their environment for the past five years and had been taught by the locals what the name of the flora and fauna was and had studiously identified what they saw and heard.

(How long did it go on?)

I theorized that some sort of disaster struck the ancient village site, probably a flash flood on the river. Macaw Bank is a very old site because it has chalk bluffs that the macaws flocked to. The Maya used baskets of colorful bird feathers for their headdresses and they would have been one more item of trade.

Hurricanes and tropical storms have flooded over the banks of the Macal River many times, so its not far fetched to theorize that a small village would have been suddenly decimated in a flash flood.

Galveston is haunted by many of the spirits of those who died in the 1900 Storm, an unpredicted category 5 hurricane that killed a tenth of the island’s population overnight.

On October 15th, 2007 Ron and Al, the proprietors of Macaw Bank Jungle Lodge were watching a crew of Mennonites deliver another pre-fabricated cabin to a freshly cleared site.

One of the drivers for Reimer’s Woodworks was using a forklift to maneuver the house onto the heavy support posts that stood about three feet off the ground.

Ron was standing by Al who was documenting the finale of the long awaited cabin. Ron was watching the forklift driver and saw that he was going to mess up the settling and maybe have the house tilt off the foundations and jogged forward to warn the driver, when the driver drove the forklift over a low mound of stones. Al was snapping the screw-up, he took a shot of Ron, the house in the back ground and a white fog or mist rose from the mound and the digital camera flew out of his hands.

Al said that his view of the unexpected mist from what they discovered was a grave was through the camera. His camera was attached to a loop and secured on his wrist. His arm straightened out and the lanyard flew off of his wrist and the camera smashed to the ground. He said he didn’t know what was happening.

They all went to inspect the grave. The rock mound wasn’t high, but they were all so freaked out and didn’t want to investigate. They piled the rocks back on top and didn’t know what else to do but get back to work on the house moving.

Ron and Al both said that they saw a face in the mist. The shivers and “Oh my God’s” started when Al reviewed the pictures. He had captured the Spirit and the face!

It was days before someone who knew what they were doing worked on Al’s camera and fixed it so that they could download the image. What have people said who have seen it?

Ron has asked around and people have told him that if it is who they think it is the Spirit is of a real bad guy. He was a thief and a murderer and people think he was murdered and buried on the property ___years ago.